Ships and ports today operate in a heavily regulated industry with an increasingly strong safety & environmentally conscious culture. The influence of regulations such as the International Safety Management (ISM) code and others such as MARPOL, STCW’95, MLC etc are readily apparent in the assessment of new vessel designs / analysis of modern ship and port operations. These regulations mean that the ship and port operator must be increasingly proficient, in a very wide range of disciplines, many of which demand very detailed knowledge and expertise. The impact / penalties for non-compliance can be very severe and it is therefore essential to ensure compliance. However, compliance need not be a tiresome burden solely to be achieved as the minimum effort. It can be used to add additional value to your operations by enhancing their safety and efficiency.
At MAST we apply the ”KUPS” principles of methodology:
Knowledge: This acts on the memory to reproduce on the basis of appropriate previously learned information. This facet is reinforced through comprehensive onboard training programs, presentations & self paced innovative tools
Understanding: Ensures meaning to new situations and / or new material by recollection and by using necessary present information. This is ensured imbibed through a combination of class room tutoring, practical guidance. group discussions and Quizzes / Assessments.
Proficiency: Involves using previously acquired information / knowledge and skills in repetitive and new situations to perform tasks and solve problems satisfactorily measured through Assessments and monitored and mentored
Skill: Involves practical adaptation of Knowledge and Understanding, integrated to meet work place requirement / application. This is reinforced by very practical demonstrations, innovative drills and on job training.
This cluster of training focuses on the provision of training solutions that both assess and build the capabilities of people who work in a marine or offshore environment. These solutions are delivered through a variety of mediums including face to face/one-to-one engagement, workshops, pratical on site session, computer based modules and e-learning methodologies,
Partnerships Work.
We look at ourselves not as mere service providers, but as your training arm. An extension of your organization, working closely to ensure that your desired goals are met in an efficient and timely manner. In this day and age of collaborative learning, partnerships yield positive and mutually beneficial results.