Procuring goods and services is typically a significant area of spend for most organisations. However, managing this spend and the processes around it is typically not something a great deal of time is spent on. The concept of a PO might be foreign to some, even though you have a pretty clear policy defined somewhere on who is allowed to spend what sort of money for what purpose, how expenditure should be approved, and so on. Indeed, there may even be an external audit requirement – apart from just plain good business sense – to have those authorization flows adhered to.
Architected as a fully tightly integrated web-based solution, the Advanced Requisition Management (ARM) is a full-cycle platform allowing the fast and simple entry and approval routing of requisitions through to the resulting purchase orders. It uses a catalogue metaphor of approved vendors, goods and services – optionally incorporating all or some of your typical inventory/parts list.
ARM uses a flexible, user-defined hierarchy enabling requests to be delivered to the relevant individual for approval. The route a given requisition line takes is controlled by a combination of location, part/service type and all or part of its destination and/or budget account code.
The logical, intuitive user interface allows requisitions and transfer requests to be raised, submitted and approved rapidly. This simplicity makes it incredibly easy for employees both to learn and use. Automated e-mail alerts provide status updates as the request progresses, further increasing the efficiency of the process.